The Federal
Reserve surprised almost all of the market participants last week by deciding
to maintain its current pace of asset purchases, at $85 billion per month,
rather than "taper". Having guided
the market in May to believe, that it will commence its taper by reducing its bond
buying program later in the year, its last week’s decision to carry on with its
current bond buying program unchanged threw the markets into turmoil.
So what led to this dichotomy in expectations vs. reality?
Earlier in the year, in May 2013, Ben
Bernanke guided the market that FED will commence to wind up the QE as and when
the unemployment rate falls to 7 percent, with the expectation that that this
might happen by mid-2014. FOMC members
repeated those details in speeches, some emphasizing "as early as
When the unemployment rate fell in
August to 7.3 percent, not far from the threshold and with no caution from the
Fed, the die was cast for “Septaper”, as far as markets were concerned. As a result of the earlier guidance, the
market interest rates started to rise in expectation of tighter money
conditions with 10 year UST’s yield rising by almost 90bps over this period, in
the process impacting economic activity, including home buying.
So when the FED announced
on September 19, 2013 to keep its bond buying program unchanged, it caught
market participants wrong footed and caused significant volatility in the
global financial markets. Asian
equities, Emerging Market currencies and bonds rallied strongly while the UST’s
and bonds bled with US equities recording a very modest change.
So, why did the FED
decide to delay the taper?
To be fair to
Bernanke, he did say that any decision to taper has to be backed by data
confirming steady gains in the economy, in particular continued job growth and
labour market strength.
Looking a bit deeper in
to the data, there are 5 good reasons why the FED decided against the taper:
1. Unemployment rate is misleading
The unemployment
rate continued to fall, aided by reductions in the labour-force participation
rate. As Mr Bernanke indicated last week, the Fed sees the unemployment rate as
an incomplete measure of labour-market health. Guidance that QE3 would be complete
roughly when the unemployment rate touches 7% seems no longer a good idea.
Fed has now declared
that rates will stay low until unemployment is down to at least 6.5%, it may in
fact leave rates low as unemployment falls well below that figure, so long as
inflation remains in check. The current GDP growth rate of 2% is not strong
enough for a sustained improvement in the labour market conditions.
2. Payroll trends weakened during the summer
When Fed began to
indicate its taper program the economy, was consistently adding jobs at a rate
of about 200,000 per month. But subsequent reports revised down spring job
gains and showed much weaker hiring over the summer. It has therefore reacted
to the weakening job growth despite its earlier use of unemployment-rate
thresholds as guideposts.
This has led many
to argue that the Fed is losing its credibility. In my view, it’s far more
important to do the right thing for the economy than being popular or pursue
populist actions. Fed needs to be comfortable backing off guidance if it isn't likely
to achieve its dual mandate. However, it’s communication of forward guidance to
the market needs to get better.
3. Inflation is trending below target

4. Fiscal cliff and Debt ceiling debates looming in the
The Fed is
rightfully worried that the "fiscal cliff" could seriously harm the
American economy. Unfortunately politics is influencing monetary policy. There is a strong possibility of a deadlock
in debt ceiling negotiations potentially leading to government shutdown,
Sequester causing deeper impact and a prolonged debt-ceiling discussion. The
Fed has erred on the side of caution and has taken the approach of
better-safe-than-sorry for now.
5. The Housing recovery has paused
Figures in 000s

The continued
strength in the housing sector is critical for both labour market recovery and strong
economic growth.
Is QE damaging?
The biggest argument made against QE when it
started was that money-printing would necessarily lead to inflation. Surprisingly,
that has not happened yet, and in any case, benefits of continuing the QE in for
sustaining the economic growth is arguable.
However, the policy has painful side-effects, which is why the Fed wants
to exit, albeit gradually with minimal market disruptions. Some of the
unintended consequences of QE are:
Poor capital allocation and
increased systemic risk
Lower rates, driven by QE, make it easier for inefficient
companies to prolong its existence. This means that inefficient enterprises continue
to receive credit resulting in poor capital allocation. As the chase for higher yield spreads, risks
to the financial system are increased manifold.
Asset price bubbles
Low interest rates will inevitably lead to
asset price bubbles as buyers’ tend to take bigger mortgages driving the demand
for housing further leading to the creation of conditions of next cycle of
defaults as interest rates rise.
Currency volatility
QE has resulted in large scale capital flows
into emerging economies resulting in significant credit expansion in some of
these emerging markets. The announcement
of taper demonstrated its impact on some of these emerging economies causing
significant currency and capital markets volatility.
Structural reforms take a back
QE also helps governments avoid necessary
structural adjustments. Taper talk, starting in May, contributed to a sharp run
on several emerging market currencies, with those of India, Turkey, Indonesia and
Brazil prominent among them.
The market impact was focused on those
countries that had fundamental problems, in the form of high current account and
fiscal account deficits. This was not solely an issue of an indiscriminate
shift in financial flows. The postponement of tapering raises the risk that
adjustment will be painful when the end of QE finally comes.
Pensioners and savers suffer
By reducing bond yields, QE impacts the returns
for pension funds. Any situation where many pension funds remain far short of
meeting their commitments is undesirable. Senior citizens relying on fixed
income from investment in bonds continue to suffer. There has been a massive amount of wealth
transfer from savers to borrowers resulting in perverse incentives. The sooner the QE ends the better it is.
On balance, the
FED’s decision to delay the taper at this point seems well founded.
However, improved
forward guidance is desirable in order to avoid the gyrations in markets that
resulted from the taper talk. The Fed did reckon that those gyrations and the
rise in bond yields in particular, were damaging enough to warrant an action —through
the choice not to taper.
The FED is
rightfully focussed on achieving sustained labour market improvement as full
employment will perk up wage growth, which is the kind of inflation the economy
would do well with. A period of strong wage growth and higher labour
participation rate will be the reassuring signs the Fed needs before allowing rates
to rise.
As Bernanke hands
over the mantle to the next FED Chairman in January 2014, it is highly unlikely
that FED will make a move until Q1/2014 with its taper. Even otherwise, the underlying data have to
supportive for a move and the following factors will determine the timing the
Unemployment rate
to fall below 7%;
A rise in labour
participation rate;
expectations above 2.5% p.a. driven by wage pressures;
GDP growth rate
> 2.5% p.a.
So, in the final
analysis, to taper or not to taper will depend on a combination of factors
listed above and data is not likely to improve over the next few months on all
The precise timing
of the taper is a $42 question. As 42 is
the answer to the Ultimate Question of 'Life, the Universe, and Everything'!!! [If you believe The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy J].
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